Frequently Asked Questions
About Solar Panels

We answer all of your solar panel related questions to clarify any misconceptions or doubts you may have about upgrading your home to solar. Getting solar panels for your home can seem like a daunting and complicated process, but we’re here to help simplify this journey for you. Below are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about solar panels.

The sun’s rays emit electromagnetic radiation, which is the same thing as solar energy. Solar technologies such as solar panels turn this energy into electricity that can be used to power your home.

The sun’s rays produce electromagnetic radiation, or solar energy. This energy is absorbed by the photovoltaic (PV) cells on your solar panels. Those PV cells then use this solar energy to create an electric current. This electric current passes through an inverter, which turns it into electricity that can be used to power your home. Learn more about how solar works.

No, solar panels do not work at night. But this doesn’t mean that solar energy cannot be used to power your home at night. You can store excess unused solar energy collected during the day in a solar battery storage unit. This energy reservoir can be used to power your home at night.

Yes, solar panels can work on cloudy days. Both direct and indirect sunlight can be used by solar panels to generate electricity. Indirect sunlight includes partial sunlight on cloudy days and sunlight that is reflected onto solar panels.

Yes, solar panels work in the winter. So long as direct or indirect sunlight hits your roof for a few hours, solar panels can still work in the winter, even in extreme weather conditions. A light layer of snow also won’t affect the functionality of solar panels. However, if you live in an area with heavy snowfall, it’s important to remove snow accumulation using a soft snow brush so you don’t damage your solar panels. This is very important to do so that your solar panels can continue to absorb sunlight and power your home.

Solar panels alone are not enough to power your home during a power outage. Because standalone solar panels are connected to your city’s power grid, they will also stop working if the power is out. However, if you have a solar battery, you can store excess solar power and tap into that reservoir whenever there is a power outage.

There are many benefits to installing solar panels, some of which include:

  • Helping to reduce your electricity bill
  • Powering your home during outages
  • Working in many climates
  • Making you eligible for tax credits
  • Reducing your environmental impact
  • Increasing your home value

Learn more about the benefits of solar panels to see how upgrading to solar affects your home.

Solar panels alone cannot power your home 100% of the time. They can only power your home as long as there is sunlight. The rest of the time, your home relies on your local electricity provider. However, if you add a solar battery to your home solar system, this battery can store excess power generated by your solar panels during the day and use it to power your home at night or when there is low sunlight.

Yes, solar panels reduce and may even eliminate your electricity bill. How much you save on your electricity bill depends on how many solar panels you install, your local electricity rates, how much electricity you use, and how much sunlight exposure your roof has. Usually, your local electric company offers a buyback program, in which they pay you for excess electricity generated by your solar panels.

On average, solar panels cost around $16,000, but they can cost anywhere from $3,500 to $35,000. It’s important to remember that this cost varies depending on your location and your home. The cost of solar panels relies on several factors such as:

  • How many solar panels you need
  • Local incentives and rebates
  • Amount of sunlight your roof is exposed to

Get in touch with a solar expert to receive a free personalized estimate on solar panels for your home.

Yes, on average solar panels need routine cleaning 2-4 times a year. However, if you live in areas with heavy snowfall, you may need to brush off excess snow more often. In areas with light snowfall, the snow typically melts within a day or two. If you live in an area with heavy rainfall, you may not need to clean your panels as often since the rain typically washes away any debris that collects on your roof. Many solar panel providers offer maintenance agreements in which they will routinely inspect and clean your solar panels for you.

Installing solar panels may increase your home value by about $20 for every $1 you save on your yearly electric bill, according to the Appraisal Journal. For instance, if your yearly savings after installing solar panels are $200, your home value can increase by $4,000. Remember that the exact value can vary depending on how many solar panels you install and the age of your solar panels.

Your solar panels sometimes collect surplus energy. This typically happens in the middle of the day when people are less likely to be home and there is more sun exposure on your roof. Many electric companies offer solar buyback programs, in which you are refunded for surplus power you send back to the power grid. Essentially, your solar panels allow you to sell back electricity to your electric company.

Yes, most solar companies offer financing options to soften the costs of going solar. The most common solar financing options are:

  • Zero down month-to-month financing
  • Lump sum payment up front

If you have any more questions about solar panels, we recommend requesting a free personalized estimate to find out how much solar panels cost for your home specifically.

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