Affiliated with:
American Solar

Discover How Solar Benefits You

Save Money on Energy Bills
Save Money on Energy Bills
Solar panels reduce and may even eliminate your monthly electricity bill
Increase Your Home Value
Increase Your Home Value
Your home value increases by $20 for every $1 you save on your electricity bill.
Power Your Home Through Outages
Power Your Home Through Outages
Solar panels can be set up with a solar battery to store excess generated energy
Solar Works in Any Climate
Solar Works in Any Climate
As long as your roof gets a few hours of sun, solar energy is a reliable power source
Qualify for Tax Credits & Rebates
Qualify for Tax Credits & Rebates
You may be eligible for federal and state tax incentives by installing solar panels
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Using solar energy to generate home electricity can reduce CO2 emissions

Four Things You Need to Know Before
Getting a Solar Quote

1. You Don’t Need to Spend Much Up Front
When working with a reputable solar company, you are given multiple payment options. The most common options are:
  • Zero down month-to-month financing
  • Lump sum payment up front
All you need to know before getting a quote is whether or not you want to pay in full or pay monthly with no up-front cost. Your solar provider will explain the details of each option during the quote process.
2. Tax Incentives Are Available
Before getting a solar quote it’s important to know that:
  • The current tax credits are better than ever and it’s worth taking advantage of them.
  • Your solar provider will explain in detail the dollar value of what you can expect.
Once you get a personalized quote, your solar provider can help clarify:
  • All the details on how tax credits work.
  • The estimated amount you will get back.
  • The type of tax credit (federal, state, etc.).
3. Solar Panels Aren’t Right for Everyone
Switching to solar doesn’t make sense for everyone. Solar isn’t a good fit for you if:
  • you are renting your home
  • planning to move in the next year
  • your electric bills are under $50 per month
If none of the above points apply, you qualify for a free quote to see the benefits of switching to solar.
4. How to Get a Free Quote
Step 1: Enter your info
Click this link, enter your basic information, and answer a few questions about your home.

Step 2: Wait for us to call
We will call you within 24 hours to schedule a time for one of our solar partners to visit your home.

Step 3: Prep for quote
Have your previous energy bill history on hand and a notepad to write everything down. You’ll want to get quotes from more than one provider and don’t want to forget anything!

A Solar Resource for Homeowners

At The Home Solar Source, we provide an extensive library of solar power information and resources curated with homeowners in mind. Our goal is to answer all the questions you may have about residential solar panels so you feel confident making the right decision for your home. This site was created to help homeowners make informed and empowered decisions. We seek to educate, simplify, provide transparency, and connect you with top solar providers in your area.
A Solar Resource for Homeowners

The Home Solar Source Customer Reviews

“I’ve been so confused with most websites selling solar. The information on is clear and provided what I needed to finalize my decision to switch to solar. I was connected with a great provider and installation was a smooth process.”

Bill Watson

“Got what I needed here. Easily connected with a solar provider in my area. Happy with my new solar panels”

Sarah Jensen

“I’ve been wanting to go solar for a while now. The home solar source provided a simple path to answer my questions and feel comfortable to provide my contact information. I now don’t have a power bill and gained more financial freedom.
Thank you!”

Katie Sanders
Get a free quote today